New Project

Lets start building, shall we?

On visiting the IDE (opens in a new tab), you will be greeted with this landing page.

Simply connect your ArConnect wallet and you are ready to start building your AO processes.

AO Landing

On the left you can view a list of your projects and the option to create a new one.

You can also create a new project from menu > project

Start by connecting your wallet and creating a new project.

New Project

OptionDescriptionDefault Value
Project NameEnter a name for your project
Default file typeChoose between a normal file or a notebook filenotebook
Process dropdownChoose a pre-existing process or create a new one
(You can paste process ids here)
create new
Process name
(only if creating new process)
Value for the Name tag while spawning the processproject name
Cron Toggle
(only if creating new process)
Enable or disable the cron handler for the processoff
Cron IntervalInterval for the cron handler (number)1
Cron UnitUnit for the cron handler (seconds, minutes, hours, blocks)minute
AO Process Module
(only if creating new process)
Module ID to use for spawning new process
Upload project zipUpload a zip file containing the project files