APM (ao package manager)
Install Packages (AO)

Installing APM & Packages

To install packages from APM, you will need to use the apm client tool.

Load APM client blueprint

.load-blueprint apm

Check the apm table


This would print something like the following table

   info = function: 0x41c7120,
   ID = "DKF8oXtPvh3q8s0fJFIeHFyHNM6oKrwMCUrPxEMroak",
   search = function: 0x41c6f40,
   installed = {},
   uninstall = function: 0x41c6e40,
   update = function: 0x41c70c0,
   install = function: 0x41c6ee0,
   _version = "2.0.4"

Always a betteridea to keep the package manager updated to the latest version.


Install a package

-- if the package is under the default vendor (@apm) you dont need to pass the vendor name
apm.install "package-name" 
-- or if you want to install a package from a specific vendor
apm.install "@vendor/package-name"

Uninstall a package

apm.uninstall "package-name"

Search for a package

apm.search "package-name"

This will output a list of packages that match the search query.

default@aos-2.0.0[Inbox:1]> apm.search "rakis"
🔍 Search requested for rakis
@rakis/DbAdmin | A Database Administrator Utility
@rakis/WeaveDrive | WeaveDrive is a client that provides an interface to WeaveDrive for wasm64 processes
@rakis/test-unit | A test runner
@rakis/ntime | convert time intervals in the format `{n}-{interval unit(s)}` into seconds
@rakis/Either | Either ADT
@rakis/testrunner | a test runner for aos
@rakis/Allocator | A weighted distribution function

List installed packages

-- All installed packages and their versions are stored in the apm.installed table
default@aos-2.0.0[Inbox:1]> apm.installed
   @apm/sample-demo = "1.0.0",
   @berry/AOlearn = "0.1.1"

Information about a specific package

apm.info "package-name"

This will output information about the package like the version, description, and other details.

default@aos-2.0.0[Inbox:1]> apm.info "@rakis/DbAdmin"
📦 Info requested for @rakis/DbAdmin
📦 @rakis/DbAdmin
đź“„ Description    : A Database Administrator Utility
đź”– Latest Version : 0.0.5
đź“Ą Installs       : 224
đź”— APM Url        : https://apm.betteridea.dev/pkg?id=Fk-NVfu8FJ61nbvLUQs-SrC0xtafXiasX5E1vc2kzjs
đź”— Repository Url : https://github.com/twilson63/aos-packages/tree/main/packages/db-admin