
What is BetterIDEa?

BetterIDEa is a suite of developer tools that enhances your developer experience on the Arweave and AO.

This includes:

  • A web based IDE to write, test and deploy your AO processes to the Arweave Network.
  • A package manager to install and manage dependencies for your AO processes.
  • Live codecells to integrate AO Lua in any webapp you want.

Checkout the IDE at (opens in a new tab)

What is Arweave and AO?

Arweave (opens in a new tab) is a decentralized permanent data storage network.

Recently, Arweave announced the release of a hyper threaded computer called AO (opens in a new tab) on the Arweave Network.

This is a big step forward for the Arweave Ecosystem adn web3 in general as it will enable developers to build hyper scalable smart contracts and DAPPs that was not feasible before.